Thursday, August 20, 2020

Hebrew for Kids Lesson 6

א   ב  ג  ד  ה  ו  ז  ח  ט  י  כ    ל  מ  ם  נ  ן  ס 

Today we are going to learn the letters    נ  ן  ס

The Nun has a form for the beginning and  middle of the word נ and also a different one for the end of the word. ן

The Sameach  ס is an S sound, and if there is a word that comes from another language and needs the s, then most of the time it will have the ס. 

נ ן ס
נָבִיאa male prophet
נָבַחbark of a dog
נֵבֶלa harp
נֶגֶבdry something

נָתָןhe gave
סָבַבgo around
סָבַלcarrry something
סָדִיןa sheet
a kind of somthing

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