Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Chumash Bereshit Sedra א Chapter 1 Verse 6

Bereshit Verse 6 is talking about water.  Here is a nice link for a translation of the Bible with Rashi: https://www.chabad.org/library/bible_cdo/aid/8165

This translation uses the word "expanse."   This word in Hebrew is: רקיע  This word is usually translated as the heaven, or the sky. 

Hashem made a separation between the water in the sky and the waters on the earth.  There is a space there.

I  G-d exists everywhere.  At all times, At all places. n order for things to exist, in Jewish tradition, there has to be a space for other things, so G-d, contracts and leaves space.  This is the begining of a such a contraction.

I have often wondered why the sky is blue.  On Mars, if you look at the photos, the sky there is pink.
The light from the sun is being scattered by the reflection off of all the water in the ocean so that is why the sky is blue here, but on Mars the sky is pink.  The light is being scattered by the reflection off of the rocks of Mars.

The Rakia רקיע  is a thing that we can't really touch, it changes. Today, I look out the window at 6:46 am the sky is grey.  Today is supposed to get to 34 C.  Very hot.

Water. Where did the water on Earth come from?  Well much of it was in the orginal rocks that coalesed when the Solar System formed, some water come from comets grazing the atmosphere.

All of the water quanity stays the same. Water always changes form.  From microscopic crystals that make up the clouds, the the salt water in the ocean, fresh water from rivers and wells. The total mass of water is the same.

G-d gave us the water, and now it is our responsibilty to keep it clean and usuable. 

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